Only too often, do we forget: life is playing. And playing is learning. To play is to be in a natural state of exploration. Giving you a sense of mastery and well-being. Playing Ahrbol is learning, is helping to develop a body-mind connection, through plasticity of the brain itself. And most of that learning is done through our very own experience of having fun with a ball. A special ball, Ahrbol.
Of course, the benefits from such an informal way of enhancing one's natural talents are different, according to the group we belong to.
But it is a way of learning that has been tested over time and has proven its benefits. As we can see in so many games being played all over the world, not in the least in the field of sports. Or over the internet.
Although very often in those fields the most important factor of learning through playing is often lost. The need for spontaneity and the possibility of "failure" of being allowed a second chance, of trying again. Which is a feature of all "play" , in which we repeat for fun, for the pleasure of the game and as such "learn" far more than we could have learned if it was just about scoring.
This open nature of a game is why it has always been inviting to the human spirit and why we created such a simple thing as a ball, Ahrbol, yet so innovative.
Ahrbol is for people and especially for groups of people, coming physically together. Starting with as few as two, to as many who want to join in and have fun.
This was done on purpose. Today's world already provides plenty of tools to do things on your own, or through virtual contact over the internet. And that is a wonderful development and certainly has its merits.
But it is by no means a match for really bringing people together physically and enjoying a game of moving about and learning. So play Ahrbol anywhere you want, with whomever you want. If you are alone, take Ahrbol , go outside and gently throw the ball to someone. And for sure, you will get a reaction. Somebody will catch Ahrbol and you can start to play. Fun!