Mountain & Ice World
The white world. It is a world dedicated to 'cold' things. The ice bear and the igloo can be found here.
The white world. It is a world dedicated to 'cold' things. The ice bear and the igloo can be found here.
The red world. Cars, large buildings, noisy things,... Everything you can associate with a city can be found here.
The green world. All kinds of exotical and tropical animals and many kinds of trees can be found in this world.
The yellow world. All kind of objects from the past can be found in this world. Discover the past the fun way.
The blue world. The sea comes to life here. Discover the world of the great depths of the sea.
The purple world. Looking for a rocket or spaceship? Or do you prefer an alien, then this is the place to be!
One player is promoted to game master for 1 round. He must memorise an object and throw the ball to any player he wants by shouting out his name and telling in which of the 6 worlds the object can be found. That player must now try to guess what object the game master has memorised by asking him all kinds of questions. The game master can only answer with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. So be clever when you ask questions. As long as you do not get a second 'no' from the game master as an answer you can continue to ask questions. However when you get 'no' for the second time as an answer, your turn is over. And you must throw Ahrbol to another player to continue the guessing. You can chose to whom you will throw the ball. The game continues until one player guesses the object. He gets a point and will be the game master for the next round. First player to get 5 points wins and becomes 'Ahrbol Champion'!
This is the nifty thing. As Ahrbol can be thrown around and is water resistant you can play Ahrbol everywhere. Here are some locations we have come up with: the beach, the class room, the garden, your living room, the park and yes even in the bath tub!
When you buy a game it comes in one of those cardboard boxes that sooner or later will end up on a shelf in your house gathering dust. Not so with Ahrbol! Ahrbol comes in a water resistant designer pouch that you can carry around. Not only does it make you stand out it is a pretty thing to have!
We have also been clever with the gaming rules, those are printed on the inside of the pouch so you can never ever lose them.The carrying strap can be adjusted so it will always be comfortable to wear. The pouch also holds the compact pump that you use to inflate Ahrbol.
Going from young to old we see different uses:
Use it to develop toddlers' motoric skills, or it's perfect as a trainer for new words and learn how to catch a ball in Kindergarten.
Children, young people, teenagers, tweens, all the way up to senior citizens: play, play, play! But Ahrbol can also be used as a language trainer at school.
Senior citizens keep alert and playful with Ahrbol Just don't let your cat, dog or parrot grab Ahrbol...