Educational guide

Playing with a ball is one of the oldest games known to mankind. And right so, because it is a fun way to rewire the brain through an enhanced body-mind connection. Ahrbol is a 3D game and is intended to trigger all those 3D-features typical for a human being.
But Ahrbol is far more than that. We have improved every aspect of the ball and the game. So it matches the requirements and needs of people of the 21st century, across the globe.
The light-weight and water-resistant material makes it a tool that can be used by both youngsters as well as elderly people, without hurting themselves.
Because Ahrbol is a beach ball you can play with it anywhere, outside and inside. So there is really no time limit to when you can play. That also adds to the educational value of Ahrbol. You can always practice, at home, in the swimming pool , on the train...
We have even added an original packaging: a pouch. It is durable, solid, also water resistant, yet very easy to carry. Ahrbol's pouch makes it possible to take the toy with you, without hassle. As modern people move around more frequently than our ancestors did. But they live smaller, so the pouch is convenient and small to store as well.
To the concept of playing with a ball, we have added "art". So you get "Ahrbol". A toy to train your body as well as your mind through playing. The colorful and elaborate pictures on the ball help you to stay focused, yet open-minded. As the artwork is multi-layered. So the whole ball helps you to develop body-movement and plasticity of your brain.
On top of that you play Ahrbol with other people. So you develop your social skills, whilst having fun with a hands-on experience. Your body-mind will remember the experiences of playing with Ahrbol for a long time.
Ahrbol is the 21st century version of playing with a ball. Taking you and those you play with to the next level.